Plan ahead and have a designated driver, a cab service or a friend or family member that will agree to pick you up if you plan on celebrating the holiday with alcohol or drugs. Don't take a chance by drinking or using while driving or you could end up making life much more complicated for yourself.
Did you know that a DUI offense can cost thousands of dollars, many hours of your time and will probably affect your work and personal life more than you think? Not to mention the embarrassment! - We would LOVE to have your business but would rather have you be safe and not put others at risk. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.
Use our online BAC Calculator to estimate your Blood Alcohol Content at If you are still unsure - don't risk it!
This notice has been sponsored by Tom Wilson Counseling Center. The first and best solution for online dui, alcohol, drug, relapse, theft, anger, self-change, parenting and traffic safety classes.
Benefits of Tom Wilson Counseling Center Online Classes:
- Money Back Guarantee. If you have court approval for online classes we guarantee our classes will be accepted. Check the state where you received your DUI for requirements.
- Confidential. Your personal information and class participation is NEVER shared with anyone unless you specifically request it.
- Secure. Our shopping cart and classroom are both secured by an SSL Certificate so your personal information is safe with us.
- Simple and Convenient. Complete your class with an internet connection at any time in the privacy of your home, office, or library.
- Mobile Access. Registration and class can be completed using your mobile phone or tablet.
- LIVE Telephone Support. Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm, Mountain Standard Time 1.877.368.9909
- Email Information for general questions about what class to take and certification.
- Email Support for technical issues during registration or class participation.