Sunday, December 7, 2014

Web Based Interventions Produce Good Results in Treating Substance Abuse

A new study in the American Journal Of Psychiatry (Volume 171, Issue 6, June 2014) shows that incorporating a web-based educational intervention in the treatment of drug abuse can not only help people stop using drugs, but can also keep them in treatment longer.

TES is a web-based version of the Community Reinforcement Approach plus Contingency Management, a packaged approach with demonstrated efficacy.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the NIH, funded this study.

TES consists of 62 interactive modules that teach patients how to achieve and maintain abstinence from drug use and includes prize-based motivational incentives to encourage adherence to treatment.  Patients given TES were less likely to drop out of treatment than those in the control group.  Also, the web-based intervention helped patients stay abstinent from drug use, even those who were not abstinent at the beginning of the study.  With such findings, web-based interventions like TES are promising additions to drug abuse treatment.

This approach, which combines skills-oriented counseling and contingency management in an Internet-delivered behavioral intervention, produced high rates of abstinence from drugs and heavy drinking among patients with a good prognosis (those who entered the study with positive urine drug or breath alcohol screen) but doubled the likelihood of abstinence among patients with an otherwise poor prognosis.

Computer-delivered interventions have the potential to improve access to quality addiction treatment care. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Therapeutic Education System (TES), an Internet-delivered behavioral intervention that includes motivational incentives, as a clinician-extender in the treatment of substance use disorders.

Adult men and women (N=507) entering 10 outpatient addiction treatment programs were randomly assigned to receive 12 weeks of either treatment as usual (N=252) or treatment as usual plus TES, with the intervention substituting for about 2 hours of standard care per week (N=255).

TES consists of 62 computerized interactive modules covering skills for achieving and maintaining abstinence, plus prize-based motivational incentives contingent on abstinence and treatment adherence. Treatment as usual consisted of individual and group counseling at the participating programs. The primary outcome measures were abstinence from drugs and heavy drinking (measured by twice-weekly urine drug screens and self-report) and time to dropout from treatment.

Compared with patients in the treatment-as-usual group, those in the TES group had a lower dropout rate and a greater abstinence rate. This effect was more pronounced among patients who had a positive urine drug or breath alcohol screen at study entry (N=228).

Internet-delivered interventions such as TES have the potential to expand access and improve addiction treatment outcomes. Additional research is needed to assess effectiveness in non-specialty clinical settings and to differentiate the effects of the community reinforcement approach and contingency management components of TES.

Tom Wilson Counseling Online Alcohol Classes currently uses similar evidenced based practices inclusing cognitive behavioral techniques, motivational enhancement therapy and stages of change theory.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Taking Alcohol Classes Online Can Help Complete Pretrial Diversion Requirements

Understanding Pretrial Diversion

A criminal conviction for an alcohol or drug offense, whether misdemeanor or felony, can create an avalanche of unintended consequences that often ends with individuals becoming further enmeshed in the legal system which can prevent them from being a productive member of the community. Tom Wilson Counseling Center specializes in online alcohol and drug abuse education for low to medium risk participants who have qualified for a pretrial diversion program in any state.

Pretrial diversion programs afford individuals an opportunity to address their behavior without resulting in a criminal conviction. These diversion programs may occur as early as street-level law enforcement intervention, or as late as court involvement, but the distinguishing characteristic is that there will not be a conviction recorded in an individual’s record.

Many pretrial diversion defendants are referred for alcohol and substance abuse intervention, with low risk offenders sent to less intensive programs while higher risk offenders are sent to more intensive programs, such as outpatient treatment. Since most programs are administered by prosecuting Attorneys, community probation supervision personnel are often tasked with identifying the higher risk offenders (who will need more intensive intervention). Most participants in the pretrial diversion program are low risk or medium risk offenders, and have the highest completion rate of their online alcohol drug education classes, and their diversion requirements.

Out-of-state offenders in pretrial diversion programs are usually referred to online alcohol drug education programs that  meet court requirements and provide the quickest way to help them avoid a black mark on their legal record.  

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

Summers are hot - for DUI's.  Many cities set up DUI Checkpoints at various locations and randomly pull over people to check for alcohol or drug consumption.

Plan ahead and have a designated driver, a cab service or a friend or family member that will agree to pick you up if you plan on celebrating the summer with alcohol or drugs.  Don't take a chance by drinking or using while driving or you could end up making life much more complicated for yourself.

Did you know that a DUI offense can cost thousands of dollars, many hours of your time and will probably affect your work and personal life more than you think?  Not to mention the embarrassment! - We would LOVE to have your business but would rather have you be safe and not put others at risk.  DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

Use our online BAC Calculator to estimate your Blood Alcohol Content at  If you are still unsure - don't risk it!  

This notice has been sponsored by Tom Wilson Counseling Center.  The first and best solution for online dui, alcohol, drug, relapse, theft, anger, self-change, parenting and traffic safety classes.

Benefits of Tom Wilson Counseling Center Online Classes:

  • Money Back Guarantee. If you have court approval for online classes we guarantee our classes will be accepted. Check the state where you received your DUI for requirements.
  • Confidential. Your personal information and class participation is NEVER shared with anyone unless you specifically request it.
  • Secure. Our shopping cart and classroom are both secured by an SSL Certificate so your personal information is safe with us.
  • Simple and Convenient. Complete your class with an internet connection at any time in the privacy of your home, office, or library.
  • Mobile Access. Registration and class can be completed using your mobile phone or tablet.
  • LIVE Telephone Support. Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm, Mountain Standard Time 1.877.368.9909
  • Email Information for general questions about what class to take and certification.
  • Email Support for technical issues during registration or class participation.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Prices Reduced for Online DUI Classes

At Tom Wilson Counseling Center, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our customer value and satisfaction. This includes periodically reviewing our expenses and price lists.

I am pleased to share that we have decided to reduce our price for online DUI classes that are 32 hours in length or longer. As of 4/1/2014, the price will drop from $18.75 per class hour to $15.00 per hour. For example, our old price for a 32 hour online AB541 DUI class for non- residents of California was $600.00, and the new price is $480.00. We will continue to offer no-interest payment plans. We believe that this new price not only gives customers a great value, but it also reflects our commitment to customer satisfaction.

To see new prices, visit this link:

DUI Checkpoints on 4th of July

Independence Day - 4th of July is one of the biggest holidays for DUI's.  Many cities set up DUI Checkpoints at various locations and randomly pull over people to check for alcohol or drug consumption. Because the 4th falls on a Wednesday this year, many police departments are setting up checkpoints this weekend to catch "before the holiday" travelers off guard.

Plan ahead and have a designated driver, a cab service or a friend or family member that will agree to pick you up if you plan on celebrating the holiday with alcohol or drugs.  Don't take a chance by drinking or using while driving or you could end up making life much more complicated for yourself.

Did you know that a DUI offense can cost thousands of dollars, many hours of your time and will probably affect your work and personal life more than you think?  Not to mention the embarrassment! - We would LOVE to have your business but would rather have you be safe and not put others at risk.  DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

Use our online BAC Calculator to estimate your Blood Alcohol Content at  If you are still unsure - don't risk it!

This notice has been sponsored by Tom Wilson Counseling Center.  The first and best solution for online dui, alcohol, drug, relapse, theft, anger, self-change, parenting and traffic safety classes.

Benefits of Tom Wilson Counseling Center Online Classes:
  • Money Back Guarantee. If you have court approval for online classes we guarantee our classes will be accepted. Check the state where you received your DUI for requirements.
  • Confidential. Your personal information and class participation is NEVER shared with anyone unless you specifically request it.
  • Secure. Our shopping cart and classroom are both secured by an SSL Certificate so your personal information is safe with us.
  • Simple and Convenient. Complete your class with an internet connection at any time in the privacy of your home, office, or library.
  • Mobile Access. Registration and class can be completed using your mobile phone or tablet.
  • LIVE Telephone Support. Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm, Mountain Standard Time 1.877.368.9909
  • Email Information for general questions about what class to take and certification.
  • Email Support for technical issues during registration or class participation.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Underage and College drinking-What are the Risks?

Underage and College Drinking- What are the Risks

Alcohol is widely available and aggressively promoted throughout society.  It is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth in the United States -- more than tobacco and illicit drugs -- and although drinking by persons under the age of 21 is illegal, people aged 12 to 20 drink 11% of all alcohol consumed in the United States.

But, early use of alcohol can draw young people into a host of problems and aggravate existing ones.  Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking.  This includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, and hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings.

And, approximately 600,000 college students are unintentionally injured while under the influence of alcohol.  Approximately 700,000 students are assaulted by other students who have been drinking and about 100,000 students are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.

Yet over 11,000 teens in the United States try using alcohol for the first time every day and more than four million drink alcohol in any given month.

Why do some young people drink alcohol?

Young people, like adults, drink alcohol for many different reasons.  Some of the reasons may seem obvious, but understanding the feelings behind these reasons--as well as how everyday teen life comes into play--can be difficult.

  • Young people often drink to check out from family problems or issues with school/grades
  • Loneliness, low self–esteem, depression, anxiety disorder and other mental health issues lead many young people to drink alcohol
  • Young people turn to alcohol to deal with the pressures of everyday social situations
  • Young people may drink to change their image or to fit in when moving to a new school or town
  • Young people may drink to gain confidence or lose inhibitions

Young people are more likely to start experimenting with alcohol if they have parents who drink and if their parents don't give them clear messages about not drinking. 

What are the Risks?

Whatever it is that leads adolescents to begin drinking, once they start they face a number of potential health and safety risks.  Young people who drink are more likely to be sexually active and to have unsafe, unprotected sex; are more likely to be involved in a fight, commit violent crimes, fail at school, use other drugs, and experience verbal, physical, or sexual violence.  And those who start drinking before age 15 are five times more likely to develop alcoholism later in life than those who begin drinking at age 21

Tom Wilson is a Certified Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist who develops online self-help alcohol awareness classes for at risk individuals to reduce their risks of developing problems from their use.   

Top Ten Tips for Parents for Preventing Drug Abuse in their Kids

1. Why is there so much focus on keeping kids alcohol and drug free?
Recent scientific research has found that the longer an individual postpones the onset (first use) of alcohol, tobacco or other drug use, the less likely the individual is to develop an addiction or other lifelong problems, including depression.

2. The Power of Parents: Believe it or not, parents are the most powerful influence on their kids when it comes to drugs. Recent research has found that 2 out of 3 kids ages 13-17 say that losing their parents’ respect is one of the main reasons they don’t drink alcohol, smoke marijuana or use other drugs.
So then, as a parent, what can I do use my influence to encourage or promote prevention efforts with my children? Here are Ten Tips for Parents:

1) Don’t Be Afraid to be the “Bad” Parent: Sometimes, our fear of negative reaction from our kids keeps us from doing what is right. When it comes to alcohol and drugs, taking a tough stand can help our children to say no….“my mom or my dad would kill me if I drank or used.” Our decisions and our rules allow our child to use us as “the reason” for not using alcohol or drugs.

2) Connect With Your Child’s Friends: Pay attention to who your child is hanging out with, who’s coming to the house and get to know them. Encourage your child’s friends to come to your home, invite them for dinner and make them feel welcomed. Encourage your child to invite friends over to the house.

3) Make Connections With Other Parents Too: As you get to know your kids friends, take the opportunity to introduce yourself to his/her parents. It’s a great way to build mutual support and share your rules about alcohol and drugs. And, it will make it easier for you to call if your son/daughter is going to a party at their house to make sure that there will be responsible parental supervision.

4) Promote Healthy Activities: Help your kids, and their friends, learn how to have fun, and fight off the dreaded “I’m bored.” Physical games, activities and exercise are extremely important because of the positive physical and mental benefits. Encourage kids to become engaged in other school and community activities such as music, sports, arts or a part-time job. The more your children are active, the less time they have to get caught up in the pressure from peers to drink alcohol and use drugs.

5) Establish Clear Family Rules About Alcohol and Drugs: Setting specific, clear rules is the foundation for parental efforts in prevention, some ideas:
  • Kids under 21 will not drink alcohol
  • Kids will not ride in a car with someone who has been drinking or using drugs
  • Older brothers and sisters will not encourage younger kids to drink or use drugs
  • Kids under 21 will not host parties at our home without parental supervision
  • Kids will not stay at a kid’s party where alcohol or drugs are present.
  • Consistent enforcement of the rules, with consequences, if needed is essential. Without consequences the rules have no value and will not work.
6) Get Educated About Alcohol and Drugs: You cannot rely on your own personal experiences or common sense to carry you through. Your ability to provide family leadership in prevention requires you to be better educated. Share what you are learning with your spouse and your kids.

7) Be a Role Model and Set a Positive Example: Bottom line…. from a kid’s perspective, what you do is more important than what you say! Research studies show that parents who drink alcohol or use drugs are more likely to have kids who drink or use. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation; if you use medication, use only as directed, and do not use illegal drugs. If you host a party, always serve alternative non-alcoholic beverages and do not let anyone drink and drive.

8) Keep Track of Your Child’s Activities: Asking questions, keeping track, checking in are all important. Research has found that young people who are not regularly monitored by their parents are four times more likely to use alcohol or drugs. Make the time to know what is happening in your child’s life – especially in families where both parents work outside of the home, life is busy but you must find time for your children – know what they are up to!

9) Keep Track of Alcohol and Prescription Drugs: For kids, the most common source of alcohol and prescription drugs is parents. Make sure that your home is not a source of alcohol or prescription drugs for your kids or their friends.

10) Get Help! If at any point you suspect that your child is having a problem with alcohol and/or drugs (What to Look For), get help. Don’t wait. You are not alone.

Tom Wilson is a Certified Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist who develops online self-help substance abuse prevention classes to reduce the risk for substance abuse in at-risk persons.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Victim Impact Panel Online for Court

Register for Victim Impact Panel
Online DUI Victims Impact Panel

Did you get a court order to attend a victim impact panel but can't find one locally?

Complete our victim panel for court online and receive a FREE Certificate of Completion.

Victim Impact Panels are commonly required by a judge to assist DUI offenders in changing their driving behavior patterns. A Victims Impact Panel is designed to modify driver behavior through educating and introducing the driver to the realities of how irresponsible driving impacts the community, victims and their families, and the driver's own family.

This Victim Impact Panel is also included FREE for those who enroll in any of our DUI, Alcohol Drug Awareness, Minor in Possession, or Relapse Prevention classes online. Our online classes have been accepted by most states, courts, judges, attorneys, probation, parole, employers, colleges and universities to meet court, agency, employment and student requirements for a DUI, Alcohol Drug Awareness, Minor in Possession, or Drug charges, as well as meeting requirements for education for employment or college and university enrollment. Please check state or court requirements before enrolling.

Tom Wilson Counseling Center and TeleHealth has been providing approved classes online since 2004 for DUI, Alcohol, Drug, Anger Management, Conflict Management, Petty Theft Shoplifting, Traffic Safety, Parent Education, Thinking Errors, Cognitive Self Change, and DUI, Alcohol, Drug Evaluations. Instructor credentials can be viewed here:

Contact us at or call Toll Free 1.877.368.9909 during office hours; Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm MDT/MST with questions. If you call before or after our regular office hours, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.